Blogging seems to have tailed off recently (something about trying to get a book published, I suspect...) But Big Boy has come out with some crackers of late, and it would seem a shame to deprive you of them.
Today's classic was about wind turbines. (Don't call them windmills; he'll correct you!) We drove past one in the next village and the conversation went thus:
BB: Why do wind turbines have to be in fields?
Me: They don't have to be sweetheart, it's just a good place for them to get lots of wind.
BB: Maybe it's so they can blow all the leaves off the trees, so that the apples can come.
I have to say, that was a very amusing picture - farmers erecting enormous fans in their fields to hasten the harvest. Perhaps one day I'll explain to Big Boy that turbines harness the wind, they don't create it...
He's also started cheating. Not because he doesn't understand the rules of a game; it's not so innocent as that. A couple of days ago, we were playing a game called Crazy Chefs.
Basically, you have a card with a bunch of ingredients to collect. A whole bunch of tiles with these ingredients (for a total of five chef cards) are placed face down, and players take it in turns to turn them over and take them if they're on their card. It's sort of a memory game. When you've got all the ingredients, you spin a spinner to try to collect a plate, and then again to try to collect your completed meal. Sadly, when we played, Big Boy failed to take all the tiles out of the box, with the result that I lost.
Today, we were playing Shopping List. (Incidentally, they're both 'Orchard Toys' games, which are fab)

It's a similar game, where you have a trolley and a list of eight items to collect. There are five trolleys and lists, so forty tiles to turn over in the course of the game. Of course, when there are only two of you, that means that there's always a greater statistical likelihood that you'll turn over one that neither of you needs (especially when, like Big Boy, you're prone to turning the same tile over two or three turns in a row...) As we were approaching the end of the game, I was about two tiles ahead (not unusual, given his dodgy memory) but was struggling with the final ones. I eventually found the teddy bear tile, but didn't manage to find the toilet paper one before he'd found all of his tiles (with some guidance...). I thought this was a little odd, as I was pretty confident I'd been through the whole set. When I said, 'I can't find the toilet paper anywhere', and starting turning all the tiles face up, Big Boy laughed and said, 'that's because I tricked you - I left it out', and proudly produced it from the box.
Cheers Big Boy. Turns out crime does pay.
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