Thursday 4 August 2011

Our second any second...

D-day is tomorrow.  We're heading in first thing and then will begin waiting!  When we were booked in for the C-section, we were one of three couples booked in for this date, and that was a few weeks back.  I'm guessing there are now others, as well as the odd emergency!
Combination of a certain amount of trepidation (last time was grim - I can honestly say the day of Joshua's birth was one of the worst days of my life) and a bit of excitement - not just about having another, but finding out what model we've got this time!  We've got names for both options, though Anna's keen to have a girl this time.  (The expense worries me slightly... "Monsoon's got such lovely clothes for girls...")
Anyway, tonight is likely to be fairly sleepless, which is not a great start, but there we go.  When Anna asked Joshua if he and granny were going to come and visit the baby in hospital he said, very sincerely, "I don't think we'll have enough time".  I think he's got a lot of activities planned for his granny!  Hopefully they'll be able to find a window in their schedule!
News will be forthcoming in due course :)

Wednesday 3 August 2011

And counting...

The funniest thing from yesterday, which I'm determined to mention on the blog, even it if doesn't get a 'full story' coverage, was me falling out of the hammock.  I was drinking a cup of tea at the time, which (you'll be glad to know) I managed to redistribute before it got to the critical combination of arm-above-head-and-hot-tea-succumbing-to-gravity moment.  Sadly, the mug died instantly when it hit one of the legs of the hammock.  Thankfully, in my graceful fall, I managed to avoid landing in the paddling pool, though the hammock did end up with one foot in it.  (It's on a stand, thus the legs and feet!)
Anna very nearly gave birth instantly she was laughing so hard.  The worst thing about it was that it wasn't caught on camera.  Would have been worth a pretty penny!

Joshua's currently veering between sweet and monster (though thankfully spends more time in the former mode)  Today, one of his amusing turns of phrase was declaring himself to be 'completely right' about something. 
Talking about the baby, he asked me today if he'd have to show the baby how to do everything.  I pointed out it might be a little early for such things (it's due out by controlled extraction on Friday).
Me:  Do you think baby will be able to talk?
J:  No
Me:  Do you think baby will be able to walk?
J:  No
Me:  Do you think baby will be able to swim?
J:  No
(I didn't bother to correct him on this)
Me:  Do you think baby will be able to cry?
J:  No [quick rethink with grin on face] YES.
Me:  Oh yes, definitely.
We're looking forward to it :)