Tuesday 11 October 2011

A couple of crackers.

Driving home at the weekend, we saw a wedding car, with the classic ribbon from wing mirror, to Mercedes thing on the front of the bonnet, back to other wing mirror.
"Oh look", I said to Big Boy, "they've just got married".
BB.  "What?"
Me.  "That's been decorated for a wedding, look at the ribbon."
BB.  "Maybe it's just a bow and arrow on the car.  Like this ....   STRETCH ... PING! ... Oh, I just shot you in the eye."
Me.  "What?!  That's not very friendly."
BB.  "Sorry.   STRETCH ... PING!  Oh, I just shot you in the other eye."
Me.  "Great, now I can't see to drive."

Another recent one was Big Boy saying, "If they're called nunchuks, why is there one?"  [i.e. 'none'chuks!]
I thought it was a fair question really.
Really must blog more.  His material's great and I'm forgetting most of it.