Saturday 27 March 2010

Channel 4 needs me.

Ok, first, apologies for the lack of blogs. I'm sure life has begun to lose meaning for my faithful band of 8 followers (is it really that many?!) without the random musings of an almost-certainly-criminally-insane friend. Time flies.
The end of term was pretty ... uh ... perhaps the best word would be manic. But I don't mean, 'oh it's been a bit manic here', I mean, when you're actually on the verge of mania due to the state of your own little world. I won't go into details, as it's not really my story to tell, but suffice it to say that it's all calmed down a bit now.
The other reason I'm writing this is because my blog has been the topic of conversation at more than one point in the last 24 hours (we've got friends staying who, for some reason, read it!) and I thought it was therefore time to give them something more up-to-date to look at.

And so to the point of the blog post title. I happened to mention that I've always quite fancied the idea of having a documentary TV crew follow me around. (No, I'm not really sure what the documentary would be on, but more of that in a minute!). This comment was met with some derision from my wife, and amusement from the rest of the gathering. The main reason I gave (other than vanity I suppose) is that I often think things that would be amusing to share with someone, or do things that I think are in some way worthy of being seen, but they never are (shared or seen...) and it seems such a waste. Of course, there are times, like when I was doing the washing up this afternoon having finished making the chicken pie for dinner, when I actually really like being alone without the need to talk to anyone, but even so, surely that's good TV in some way...
And then people started considering what the documentary could focus on (those of you who were there may wish to add things I've forgotten, and those who weren't there may have some suggestions too...) The documentary could be on being a stay-at-home-dad, or having to live with 74 of the 'fairer sex', or things to make with children (this was also suggested as a book I could publish, so that's another idea), or any number of other things.
So, if anyone knows any desperate Channel 4 bods who are fresh out of ideas, tell 'em to get in touch!
And it's not just me, is it? Surely other people must want their own TV crews...

And now to Joshua, who's been up to some great things recently. He's recently getting more keen on his drawing. A few days ago, this branched out into body art. I have photos, but unfortunately the carphone warehouse weren't entirely honest about what was going to be included with my 'phone, so I don't have a cable to connect it to the computer... I'm also set to download his first picture that's almost discernibly a human face. It appeared a couple of weeks back, but I haven't yet scanned it in. (I can't blame the carphone warehouse for that though...)

His latest phrases are, 'of course' (usually said in such a way as to make you feel like a right muppet), 'it's not fair', (didn't get that one from home, I can assure you!)

Last week we had a fab housegroup weekend away. Really good time, and a nice chance to spend a bit more time with people. We were able to go as a family too, as term had (just) finished, so that was brilliant. (Though tiring, for reasons mentioned above!). We looked at Jonah, and concluded it should really be called 'the story of Jonah and God' not 'and the whale', as the whale was only really a bit part, and wasn't there entirely voluntarily. Great book and good challenge. Unfortunately, the house was a bit falling-downish. We were in a three storey bit. The bottom floor had a whacking great metal prop in the middle of the room, holding up the ceiling. The second floor had a big sign on the door saying 'danger, do not enter', and we were on the third floor, with a floor so sunken that the single bed was about an inch off the floor in the middle of the room! I guess at least if the house had collapsed we'd have been near the top of the pile...

Anyways, I'm back off to spend some more time with our guests, before an early night (clocks change tonight!)

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Doing my duty.

I feel that, given it's been another week since a blog, I should get sorted and do another blog. Not really sure what to blog about, so I'll just sort of splurge about the week just gone.

It's been a bit of a manic one. We went to Worthing this week for Granny's funeral. She died a week and a half earlier, at the age of 94. Though it's always sad to have someone close to you die, I'm sure Granny has no objections (other than that she had in mind that it would happen ages ago!) and I'm completely confident that we'll meet again :) I'd also had the chance to see her and pray with her a week and a half before she died, which was lovely. The funeral itself was ok, and it was also a chance to see family who we'd not seen in months, which was good. It does mean I'm now on the hunt for a prayer warrior to take up where Granny left off. It's funny to think that, despite her diminutive stature, she was a sort of Bruce Lee/Arnold Schwarzenegger of prayer.
Unfortunately, Anna was sick the night before the funeral, and I was sick the night after. Probably due in no small part to the level of tiredness that we'd both reached.
There was, however, a sense of catharsis in the being ill, and I ended up feeling sort of renewed by it (though it was a grim experience that I'm in no hurry to repeat!)

Had a great time this morning moving a bush in the garden. It was taking up valuable space in the veg patch, so had to go elsewhere. Hopefully I haven't killed it off in the process... Must now set about planting some seeds indoors in preparation for this year's bumper crops!

And tomorrow, among other things, Joshua and I are going to go and buy some self-adhesive blackboard stuff (by the makers of sticky-back plastic) and stick it around the house to have loads of fun chalking all over. Wednesday is Daddy day, and it's gonna be a riot this week :) Might even buy some tester pots at B&Q so we can paint Charlie and Lola onto his bedroom wall ... but that might be a project for another day!

Still working on the book, but finding it pushed out by other things all the time. Oh dear.

And now I'm going to bed, because it's well past my bedtime.

Monday 1 March 2010

Long time...

Well, I haven't blogged for over a week, which breaks my 'at-least-weekly' blog rule, and one day I might explain why, but for now, I just thought I'd share this...

Warning, this (very short) story may compromise your appreciation of the song 'Alleluia', so if you really really like it, you may wish to stop reading now...

I was just singing 'Alleluia' to Joshua while he was in the bath. I got to the 'Worthy is the Lamb' bit, and he turned and looked at me slightly puzzled and said, 'Woolly is the lamb?'.

Thought you might like that.
