So, having established that table-laying wasn't really something that featured in his skills matrix (as they say), I thought maybe something a little more outdoorsy would be more fitting.

1) He can't reach the brake (is that a problem? well, given his steering, yes)
2) He can't reach the lever to engage the mower blade
3) When the mower blade is engaged, he isn't actually heavy enough to be 'registered' by the seat, and so the power cuts off (it's a safety feature - blades engaged + driver off seat = powercut) I guess the bright spark who designed the cutoff feature figured that people driving would be over the age of three.
In all seriousness, we had a fantastic time mowing today. He's a bit nervous of the mower, which, frankly, isn't something I altogether discourage (though he clearly doesn't take after his father) because I reckon that a dose of anxiety may be useful in protecting him from doing silly things as a general rule (living in hope!). That said, he was more than happy to sit on my lap as we chuntered up and down the orchard hoovering up the leaves along the way. The aim wasn't actually cutting the grass, just clearing the leaves. Today was the first time in a while that it's been anywhere close to dry enough for such a task - I tried a couple of days ago and the leaves were glued to the ground with all the moisture (combo of rain and fog) we've had recently.
Have I mentioned that the boy is REALLY into taking photos at the moment. I could merrily set up another blog dedicated to photos he takes. But maybe four blogs is quite enough. For now, I'll just slip the odd one in here.

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