So these were actually taken a while ago (last week and before...) but I like them so they're being uploaded!
This is the walk home from school. It's a 4 mile round trip (though obviously J only does 2 of those, as he's only doing one direction...)
We did the walk over the Christmas holidays, and he managed absolutely fine. It probably helped having relatives and a dog to make things less boring.
I figured that it wouldn't kill us to do it every now and again. My hope was at least once a week, preferably twice (which would mean 8 miles walking for me). So last week, we decided to give it a crack (earlier in the year and we'd have been making some of the journey in the dark. This is roughly how Wednesday's journey went, starting in the nursery room itself:
Me: Do you need a wee sweetheart?
J: No.
Me: We're walking home, so it will be a while before we can go to the toilet. Are you sure you don't need a wee?
J: No thank you.
Leave nursery, cross car park, walk towards swimming pool (last loo before the open road)
Me: Are you sure you don't need a wee sweetheart? It's your last chance.
(I'm sure you can see where this is going...)
J: No. (It was actually more of a Noooooooooooo)
Continue walking, past swimming pool, through garden and across cricket pitch. Get to the little bridge over the stream...
J: Daddy, I need a wee.
Me: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH That's why I asked you. You said you didn't need a wee - I said we were walking and you said you were sure you didn't need one. (That should probably all be in capital letters - that's the commonly accepted way of shouting online isn't it?)
J: But I didn't need one when you asked.
Me: (Well, to summarise, we agreed to disagree on this point...)
Cross over bridge, find tree and have a wee. (Wise advice offered en route and throughout the operation)
Walk past church, across farm track and into the field (don't worry, there's a footpath). Approach the copse, begin to think what a lovely thing it is to be walking home from school across the fields...
J: Daddy, now I need a poo.
Me: (At this point, assume a load of capital letters - I asserted that pooing, unlike weeing, was not something we were going to be doing in the open)
J: Ok, I'll hold it in.
Me: Good - you're a big boy, I should hope so!
Continue across fields, down hill, over the very narrow bridge (assure J we'll bring boots next time so we can go through the stream rather than over it)
J: I still need a poo.
Me: Do we need to be rescued?
J: Yes.
'phone Anna and request urgent rescue mission. Walk up hill to the road, wait for a few minutes for car, which miraculously appears to take us home.
Oh, and you know he said he'd hold it in?
He didn't.
Review: Sam Kelly & The Lost Boys
7 years ago